Monday, February 20, 2012

The Nap Time Blues.

In a lot of ways, I love nap time.

When I say nap time, I'm referring to my daughter's nap time, which is around 2:30 every afternoon. As a stay at home mom, that moment when I see those numbers on the clock is a moment I look forward to every day. No, I'm not saying I don't love my kid. No, I'm not saying I don't enjoy being home with her. I'm just saying: Mommy.needs.a.break.

And I'm so thankful that Sarah gives me those breaks. She has been a wonderful sleeper since about 4 months old, and I am ever so grateful for that. I know that a lot of moms fight a daily battle in getting their child to sleep, and I know that I am incredibly blessed to be able to say I have a good sleeper. And after hours of playing peek-a-boo, hanging out in her tent, reading the same page of the same book 100 times, I am even more thankful for my good sleeper. Doesn't every mom need a few minutes to sit and eat some lunch, without a little human being yelling "Biii! Biii! Biii!" at you, over and over again? ("Biii" is Sarah speak for "bite", by the way.)

So anyway, like I said. I love nap time. Thank God for nap time. Seriously.

But sometimes I get the nap time blues.

What are the nap time blues, you ask? The nap time blues, for me, is when I close the door to her room with the knowledge that I have the next hour or two to do what I need to do...and then I realize I could never possibly do it all in those two hours. What should I do first? Should I eat lunch? Should I pick up her toys? Should I clean the kitchen? Should I unload the dish washer? Should I take a shower and wash my nasty, greasy hair? Should I eat lunch really fast, then pick up her toys with lightning speed, and then take the fastest shower of my life just so I won't have to be scared of myself every time I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror for the rest of the day? Or should I do none of that and sit down with my laptop, or the remote control, and pretend I don't have a zillion other things I should be doing?

These are my nap time blues.

It happened today when I put her in her crib. I walked out of her room and all at once, the kitchen was staring me down, the dog was whining to be let out, the toys were tripping me up, and the shower was calling my name. That was about 30 minutes ago. 

So here I am writing this blog entry. At the moment I'm pushing all the other options aside in order to do something for myself. I write on here because I love to write. I love being a mother too, and I love being a wife, but it's still okay to do something every now and then that's for me, and me alone, right?

Now, I'm going to eat some lunch (at 3pm in the afternoon), and then I might take a shower. If she's still asleep by then, I might do some cleaning. I might not. She will probably be awake by then anyway, and I'd much rather play with her than clean. Most of the time.

But seriously, despite the nap time blues...

I love nap time.


  1. I love nap time. that's when I get the most done. As a single stay at home mom I know what you mean and I am glad I have a good sleeper too.

  2. Some people do really well with naps. I have never been one of those folks. I always feel worse after my nap!

  3. At least she gives you the time to get the nap time blues.
